Beckett Frith

Active working should be embedded in workplace culture

There are productivity gains to be made by considering the health and wellbeing of employees


Time wasted because of corporate amnesia

Time is lost searching for information needed to complete work, which may have been lost when knowledgeable staff left


A postcard from... The Baltics

Our 'postcard from' series keeps you updated on key HR areas in different countries


Article 50 triggered: What does that mean for HR?

HR magazine rounds up all the areas HR professionals need to know? about in relation to Brexit


Half unsure of Brexit impact

Employees are on the fence about their roles, job security and company prospects post-Brexit


Brexit to cause government staffing challenge

Brexit has required the creation of two new departments, and existing departments are likely to need more workers


Parents reap benefits from tech

Technology gives parents control over where and when they work and a greater ability to manage non-work commitments


HR failing to use data to make decisions

HR professionals believe the need for data is increasing, but struggle to gain strategic insight from it


Believe in better workspaces

An ambitious office redesign has helped boost productivity and improve internal networking at Sky


Reports suggest raising state pension age

The increases recommended would affect around 5.8 million people if brought into effect


Use neuroscience to build effective learning strategies

Understanding how learning works on a biological level can help create the right environment


Firms should tailor LGBT strategies according to country

Speakers at HR Tech World discussed pragmatism in implementing LGBT policies abroad
