
UK business leaders optimistic despite recession fears

UK businesses are optimistic about their ability to push through 2023’s economic challenges and achieve medium-term growth, according to research.

Cabinet office launches forum for UK resilience strategy

Leaders from public, private and voluntary sectors met on Thursday (2 February) to discuss how to strengthen the UK’s resilience in the face of unpredictable events.

Rolling with the recession: how HR can succeed

The twists and turns of a recession can be unpredictable, yet with the right preparation it’s another chance for HR to show its colours.

Resilience – how to futureproof your business

As Covid has shown, we must always be prepared for external shocks. But just how do you ensure that your business is resilient enough to cope when the unexpected strikes?

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Playing a dangerous game: why are we so stressed at work? Part two

HR must create a psychologically safe working environment to encourage employees to talk, reflect and explore their feelings following the stress and anxiety of recent years, finds Jo Gallacher

Playing a dangerous game: why are we so stressed at work? Part one

HR must create a psychologically safe working environment to encourage employees to talk, reflect and explore their feelings following the stress and anxiety of recent years, finds Jo Gallacher

The leadership we need for the age of disruption

Given the complexity and turbulence that have become the new normal, now more than ever we need the right leadership, at the right level, for the right time.

Leaders: it's time to embrace your imperfections

This is a challenging time for businesses. The number of business closures in the UK last quarter was 137,210 – 23% more than the same period in 2021 and higher than any quarter since 2017.

Dump flawed employee assistance programmes

Life has changed substantially throughout the pandemic and the workplace has changed with it. It would be willfully ignorant to continue using the same outdated systems that we used to use, despite...

UK's approach to resilience and wellbeing not fit for purpose, say Lords

The UK’s current approach to resilience and wellbeing is not fit for purpose, according to a new Parliamentary report.

12 months of 2021: May

It was another year of turbulence for people professionals. Our 12 Days of Christmas countdown reviews what made the headlines in 2021.

Resilience needs leaders who put their own oxygen masks on first

The go-to panacea for many leaders in times of uncertainty is to do more. When the going gets tough, we put more hours in. It’s no accident that we are now facing an epidemic of fatigue across a...