Health and wellbeing

Pandemic highlights North/South divide in mental health

More people in the south of England have said their mental health has worsened since the start of the pandemic (46%) than those in the North (39%), however Southerners are more likely to take time off...

How to handle employee mental health pressures

There is a stigma attached to revealing a mental illness, so many individuals hide this for fear that they may be judged unfavourably and treated differently.

Are chief happiness officers a gimmick?

Law firm Clifford Chance made headlines last week when its co-head of tech Jonathan Kewley proposed the appointment of a chief happiness officer responsible for keeping staff’s spirits high.

Future leader: Aimee Maltby, Access2Funding

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the industry to discover what makes them tick.

Why has it taken a pandemic to care about people?

“It’s all about our people”, organisations say. But why has it taken a pandemic to make wellbeing or working flexibly a priority? The key is culture, honest leadership, new ways of working, and...

What’s going wrong with workplace wellbeing?

The ‘tick-box’ approach to managing mental health in the workplace isn’t working.

Long Covid impacting half of UK organisations

Nearly half (46%) of UK organisations have employees who have experienced long Covid in the past year, but the poorly understood nature of the condition may be preventing employees accessing the help...

How to create a wellbeing strategy that works for all

On 15 February, HR Lunchtime Debate will bring together expert panellists to discuss how to build the foundations of an inclusive wellbeing strategy.

Cancer patients unaware of their rights at work - and HR's not helping

Many cancer patients returning to work are unaware of their rights at work, and HR departments are failing to inform them.

Cancer: screening by risk 

Many cancers are preventable, and many are treatable. This is hugely positive but there are, however, a couple of caveats.  

How to cater to a greater diversity of needs with your wellbeing strategy

Responding to coronavirus has meant many wellbeing plans have had to be reactive, and few workplaces know exactly how hybrid will change what they look like.

Future leader: Ish Anghotra, Rosewood London

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the industry to discover what makes them tick.