Employee wellbeing

How can HR balance managers' and employees' mental health?

Managers are facing increased pressure as employees demand more support with their mental wellbeing, our commentator reported. We asked HR how to support managers with their own mental health while...

Why line managers are crucial when it comes to preventative employee health and wellbeing

When it comes to health and wellbeing in the workplace, line managers define the culture in their teams and are key to unlock preventative health. So it makes perfect sense to support them, and give...

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Addiction recovery in UK workplaces: How to shift the narrative

Are UK employers ready to adopt a US-style approach to supporting people in addiction and recovery?

A million of UK’s lowest earners miss out on sick pay

A million (1.15 million) workers – 3.5% of the UK workforce – are not eligible for statutory sick pay (SSP) as they do not meet the earnings threshold of £123 per week, a report from think tank The...

Stephen Bevan, employee wellbeing trailblazer, has passed away

Stephen Bevan, a frontrunner in HR research and a leading voice on workplace wellbeing, died on 19 June 2024. We report this news with great sadness, and publish this report in tribute to Bevan and...

Gambling problems lack workplace support

Less than one in 10 (9%) workplaces have support policies for gambling issues, research by gambling charity GamCare has shown.

Productivity drives increased wellbeing support, employers say

Employers cited increased productivity as the main reason for their wellbeing strategy, research published yesterday (4 June) by the law firm Winckworth Sherwood has revealed.

Media attention fears stopped 2013 Post Office Horizon investigation

Paula Vennells, former Post Office CEO, decided against conducting a review into the Horizon IT scandal in 2013, fearing that it would make front-page news, the inquiry heard last Thursday (23 May).

How to tackle the cost of working crisis

Employers want the UK government to prioritise financial support for new workers, according to a survey conducted in March by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) in collaboration with...

Mental health days: do they work?

Employees of the Chinese supermarket chain Pang Dong Lai have been offered up to 10 days of “unhappiness leave”, The Guardian reported. Should UK businesses offer a similar benefit?

"EAPs are essential. Abandoning them puts workers' wellbeing at risk"

The inability of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to meet massive increases in demand for mental health support – counselling in particular – without going fully digital or EAP-by-app, is a real...

Progression stunted by lack of women's health support

One in four women feel that their career progression has been halted by a lack of support for women’s health at work, a survey has revealed.