Stewart has worked in a broad range of senior management roles in both the UK and the US. He is passionate about people development and actively promotes the development of young people through SSE’s talent pipeline programmes and through his membership of the Developing Young People National Board in Scotland and the Career-Ready Advisory Board in Scotland.
He is strongly committed to SSE being a responsible employer and believes in transparent measurement and reporting of people data. This has led SSE to measure and report on the value of its human capital, its return on training and its return on inclusion. This analysis has allowed informed approaches to be taken to develop a longer-term delivery plan, targets and strategy in these key areas.
He is currently heavily involved in the proposed de-merger of the SSE Retail business with nPower, with a focus on supporting the development of two new people-focused businesses.
Outside work his interests include his family, cycling, tennis and travel. Stewart is also a school governor and mentors a number of people within the HR arena.