He returned to IES in April 2016 after spending 15 years as director of research and managing director at The Work Foundation. He has conducted research and consultancy on high-performance work practices, employee reward strategy, performance management, staff engagement and retention, and 'good work'.
Bevan has a special research interest in workforce health and wellbeing and has led a number of projects looking at the impact of chronic illness on productivity and social inclusion.
More recently he has led IES research on obesity and work, and working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He is credited with leading the first working from home wellbeing survey, which provides rich data on how employees manage, and are managed as organisations pivot towards economic recovery.
Bevan has been an adviser to a number of UK government departments and has advised employers and policymakers in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Australasia and North America.
Recommended reading:
Stephen Bevan: financial rewards don't motivate workers
Why ‘good work’ trumps fruit and pilates evangelism every time
The Body Shop to recruit on first-come first-serve basis
Stephen Bevan was ranked sixth on the list of HR Most Influential Thinkers in 2021.