More than half (58%) of UK workers are proud to work for their current organisation, the poll of 1,000 workers showed.
It also found pride in the workplace among women has remained at consistently high levels, with nearly a third (60%) describing themselves as "proud to work for their employer", up from 49% a year ago.
The figures from the report suggest the recent drives to increase the number of women at the top of business, and create an equal footing for both men and women at work, may be having a positive cultural impact on the workplace and the way female employees feel about work generally.
To maintain this level of workplace pride throughout 2013, organisations must create a strong framework to develop opportunities for women to recognise success.
The research also found generation Y employees felt the "most proud" to work in their organisation. Some 64% of young workers said they are proud of working for their current employer – a rise from just over half (56%) of young professionals in Q2 last year, but down from seven in 10 (72%) earlier this year, in January 2013.
Zain Wadee, managing director at hyphen, said: "Managers need to ensure communication levels are maintained and employees continue to feel empowered and listened to if organisations are to get the most out of their workforce.
"Engagement and workplace pride have a close relationship; and managers need to ensure they are providing a positive working environment that both engages and develops the workforce."
He added: "This will help create employees that feel part of the company's development and will have a demonstrable impact on retention of talent."