According to parenting club Bounty, more than two thirds of parents (65%) think there is too much pressure on mothers to cut short their maternity leave and return to work and three quarters feel the Government needs to improve state-run childcare.
Almost three quarters (74%) do not believe any political party has policies to help parents of young children.
Ian Beswetherich, managing director of Bounty, said: "The pressures of modern life are even harder for families with young children. Parents need to have confidence in the healthcare they receive; they need help in balancing work and family life and some extra cash in their pockets to provide for their children. Policy-makers need to start listening to what parents want and take action to make life easier."
Bounty is campaigning for paternity leave to be extended to a month and pay increased from £117.18 to £214 and a financial package for families with young children that includes an early years top-up in child benefit, extending childcare tax credit and a council tax discount for families.
To find out more about HR's campaign and petition for a single care voucher, click HERE
Working parents need greater support

A massive 91% of parents are prevented from returning to work by parenting costs, while 84% believe two weeks statutory paternity leave is too short.