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Use L&D to drive culture, says Colt HR vice-president

Employee learning should be seen as a tool to shape an organisation's culture, according to Colt HR vice president Paul Musson.

Colt, an IT services provider, has launched a 'learning month' to help its workforce of more than 5,000 staff learn about the firm's culture and corporate strategy. 

"We're going through a period of change at the moment, which is always challenging for staff," Musson said. "We've found that if you bring people together and offer effective learning opportunities, it's much easier to get them energised about the company's values and culture."

The business has appointed ambassadors in 17 countries to promote the company's values. They also support local teams during this period of change, while the organisation is undergoing an overhaul of its market strategy.

"The ambassadors are a very powerful tool for us," he said. "They allow us to get real-time feedback from our employees while also helping us to drive engagement. It's a great two-way channel for us."

CSR is another element that Musson believes aids learning's influence on culture. He encourages his staff to use their business and technology knowledge to help local communities.

"Employees benefit from this greatly," he added. "Not just from the obvious feel-good factors, but in their own development. It also helps us to drive engagement with the business, which is a win-win."