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UK business piles stress on young employees in bid to recover from recession, global survey finds

More than 2.4 million young British workers aged 18-29 are suffering from stress and believe their bosses are pressuring them to bear the brunt of recovery from recession.

According to a report released today from market research agency, GfK NOP Engage, which surveyed 30,000 workers in 29 countries around the world, two-fifths (40%) of UK employees aged 18-29 feel 'frequently' or 'always' stressed at work.

This is in stark contrast to the nation's oldest workers, with just one in four (24%) of those in their 60s reporting frequently or always feeling stressed.

The cause appears to be businesses tightening their belts, putting pressure on the youngest and most junior members of the workforce.

More than 39% of British workers aged 18-29 claim their employer is using the recession to ask them to do more, compared to just 29% of their 60-something colleagues.

Nearly one in three feels stressed, either due to lack of resources to do their job effectively (32%), or coming under pressure to work long hours (31%).

A quarter of British workers admit they are frequently or nearly always affected by the toll work takes on their physical health, while two-fifths (39%) feel their work-life balance 'frequently' or 'nearly always' is a concern.

Yet putting pressure on younger workers may be a false economy and one that brings significant long-term costs for business.

The report ranked the UK 17th out of the 29 markets surveyed for engagement of young workers with their employer; far behind Macedonia, France, Turkey, Mexico and the US, which take the top five places in the ranking.

Explaining the figures, Sukhi Ghataore, director at GfK NOP Engage, said: "Businesses that view young staff as cheap and expendable may well come to count the cost. In the UK, we have a recognised ageing population and so the younger generations are becoming exponentially more important in the workplace, as well as to the nation - they are not only companies' future talent, but also represent the future financial stability of Britain. It is therefore crucial that they are nurtured, to encourage maximum productivity and retention.

"On the one hand, a largely disengaged workforce has an immediate, negative impact on productivity and morale. And it has a longer term impact on recruitment and retention.

"On the other hand, we have a precious core of young British workers who class themselves as 'highly engaged' with their employers. These need to be identified and their talents carefully managed, to harvest their drive and potential. Engaged workers want their employer to succeed, want to remain with them, and want to go the extra mile. During tough times, engaged employees and a united workforce are a necessity, not a luxury."