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Two-thirds of London employees will let alcohol affect their work this Christmas

More than two thirds of London professionals admit will come into work with a hangover during this year’s Christmas party season according to new research by LondonlovesBusiness.

The research, which polled 500 middle managers, shows Londoners intend to hit it hard this season with nearly two fifths (39%) admitting their boozing might impact on how well they do their job.

Further compounding London's status as a boozy capital, nearly a fifth (17%) of professionals say they will be suffering the after effects of alcohol on at least three days of their working week.

More than three quarters (82%) of the female managers polled say their company drinks socially. More than a third 35% of all respondents reveal their firm either has a 'strong drinking culture' or that they 'often drink together'.

When questioned on how often they get drunk with their colleagues, nearly a tenth (9%) of women admit to doing so at least once a week or more. However, almost a third (30%) of respondents say they only get drunk at special occasions such as Christmas parties.

Sophie Hobson, editor of LondonlovesBusiness, said: "It's no secret that stressed-at-work professionals turn to alcohol to help relieve their stress, but I did not think the numbers of those boozing frequently would be so high.

"The research clearly indicates that there will be an awful lot of fuzzy headed professionals over the Christmas party season, and business leaders should not expect to see their best performances."