According to a survey by Lane4, only 11% thought HR should be more strategic and only 8% thought change management was HR's most valued contribution to business.
Similarly, 7% thought performance management should be at the top of HR departments' agendas and 7% thought HR's main role should be developing individual and organisational resilience.
But the report also found 40% of business leaders view people development as HR's most valued contribution to business during the recession.
Mark Wheatley, principal consultant at Lane4, said: "As firms experience unprecedented levels of change, managing the impact of redundancies on those who leave and those who remain and motivating employees in the absence of bonuses and pay increases is key. Motivation has always been a hot topic for HR, but the stakes are higher in the current climate. The recession has eroded engagement, levels of stress have increased and concerns about job security are now commonplace."
"To address these diverse and challenging issues, HR professionals need to understand organisational needs and act as true consultants. It needs to create a motivational climate that maximises the contribution of those who remain, protects the best talent and paves the way for long-term sustainability and growth."