More than one in 12 adults – 3.99 million people – were found to have felt self-conscious because of their missing teeth, with almost a million people (930,000) suffering depression as a result of their damaged denture, according to a report from The Implantium Network.
As competition for jobs intensifies, many jobseekers are altering their everyday appearance in the hope that it will improve their chances of finding work. Some 46% of European workers who were laid off from full-time jobs in the year to June 2009 said that they had done this in order to make themselves more attractive to employers
Jason Buglass, managing director of The Implantium Network said: "The fact is that jobs are becoming more difficult to find and as such, you need to do everything you can to ensure your interview goes as well as possible. This includes making sure that you are presentable and having a nice smile can certainly help your confidence and appearance. Indeed, the person interviewing you will be looking primarily at your face."
Nationwide, Implantium Network found British adults have a staggering 109.7 million missing teeth between them – more than two each. In total, 57% of the adult population admits to having at least one missing tooth. Almost one in five (19%) people are without five or more teeth.