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LV= introduces online system to keep track of its learning and development

LV= has launched an online system to deliver and track learning and development across its business.

Working in partnership with Cornerstone, LV= implemented the new system over eight weeks, including pilots in London and Bournemouth. The success of these pilot projects led to a four-week roadshow to all LV= offices in the UK, where employees and managers were trained in using the new learning management system (LMS).

Each employee was given materials such as quick-start guides, with content dependent upon whether the target audience was a line manager who would use the LMS to take greater leadership of their team's L&D, or an employee who could use the functionality of the LMS to take greater control over their own learning and development.

The company serves 3.8 million members and customers and manages around £7 billion on their behalf. As a financial services provider, LV= is subject to regulation by the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA). The FSA may decide to audit the provision of mandatory training within LV= at any time to ascertain its compliance with key regulations, so the organisation needs accurate and up-to-date management information and the ability to produce timely reports. In addition, just under two-thirds of all LV= employees are client-facing, so they must be able to communicate with clients in a way that is compliant, factually correct and delivers outstanding customer service.  

Krissie Billingham, learning operations manager for LV=, said: "Each LV= employee has a complex combination of governance, compliance and job-specific learning needs. Even with the same topic, the level of understanding required will vary from employee to employee. We recognised that we needed a flexible and extensible platform for learning which we could use to build a more effective blended learning strategy, reinforce our corporate branding and structure, and help the organisation to deliver business performance and outstanding customer service. After conducting a rigorous evaluation process, we found that Cornerstone OnDemand offered the best combination of a robust and flexible platform, with excellent management reporting functionality, predictable pricing and the ability to add functionality as LV= progresses towards a self-service learning environment."