The company previously had a voluntary benefits scheme in place offering staff a number of discounts but the new scheme, provided by Asperity Employee Benefits, will offer staff discounts at over 1,500 retailers and is supported by an interactive website for staff.
The website will also provide JTL with management information about how many employees are using the system and this will help the firm target its benefits communication.
Julie Asher-Smith, HR manager at JTL, said: "We recognised the scheme we had before had probably run its course. We already have, we feel, good benefits provision but take up is scanty at times and this was down to poor communication and lack of a user- friendly site."
She added: ‘I am always looking to improve retention and increase staff motivation."
The firm is considering further development of its benefit scheme over the coming year.
JTL improves benefits provision to encourage take-up

Training provider JTL has increased its employee benefits provision to increase take-up and engage staff.