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Interim sector predicted to benefit from dip in economy

<p>Companies will hire 20% more interim managers in the next six months, according to new research. </p><p>It is predicted that the sector will be worth a record 550 million by the end of the year. Last year it was worth 440 million. </p><p>The financial services, manufacturing and technology sectors in particular are expecting to employ more interim managers, to improve efficiency and manage change through tough economic conditions. It is thought that increasing numbers of companies will be exploiting talent from other sectors. </p><p>Hitchenor Wakeford conducted the Interim Management Index. </p><p> The dip in the economy means companies need to get leaner and meaner. Experienced executives are in high demand for short-term positions to steer companies through rocky conditions, says John Wakeford, managing director of Hitchenor Wakeford. Companies are increasingly pulling in people who have experience in other sectors to give them extra knowledge. </p>

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