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Don't miss live web chat on what employers can do to reward staff during tough times

With green shoots sightings reported more frequently in the news, businesses are now facing some tough questions.

How can they keep workers engaged and happy and make sure they have the best talent when the upturn happens? What do employees want from work, and what can management provide them with to safeguard the next generation of business successes?

Cath Bailey, European head of HR for food giant Kellogg's, will take part in a live web chat this afternoon to answer these questions about the small things employers can do to reward staff during hard times.

She will be joined by Helen Whitten, from work life balance organisation Positive Works and former deputy chair of the Work-Life Balance, who will explain how businesses of all shapes and sizes can maximise the benefits they offer by tailoring them to each employee.

The webinar will take place at 2.30pm this afternoon.

Click here to watch the show

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