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Buzzwords rife at work

Nearly three quarters of the workforce (72%) think using buzzwords in the office hinders productivity.

Happily for HR professionals, only 3% thought they were the biggest culprits for using unnecessary jargon compared to marketing departments, cited by 37% as overusing complicated business phrases.

Overall the report by MWB Business Exchange showed more than half (56%) of 1,215 British workers surveyed admit to using business jargon every other day.

Large companies are the biggest offenders, with 98% of their employees guilty of using gobbledegook every day compared with only 25% at smaller companies.

John Spencer, CEO of MWB Business Exchange, said: "Using jargon in the office has got completely out of hand. A lot of the time it comes down to laziness, as buzzwords are used to save time instead of thinking about the most appropriate phrase."

The most irritating phrase, voted for by 19% of respondents, is ‘thinking outside the box'.