We therefore thought it only fair to create our own round of applause for just a few of the many HR professionals going ‘above and beyond’ to keep their employees and the community safe.
Jenny Streeter, HR policy lead at HM Revenue & Customs
Jenny Streeter would like to share some love for all the things which have come together from the HR profession to enable her to do some really great stuff. She has been fortunate enough to have spent a couple of weeks on special leave using my day job skills to set up a fundraising campaign for a children’s cancer charity and then set up and get funding for a local one to one mental health support for children and young people in my community struggling. She has been supported by my employed and also by my network and I have truly found the humanity in HR.
Angela O’Connor, CEO and founder of HR lounge
O’Connor worked tirelessly with the HR community and others to recruit, train and deploy care workers into London’s boroughs to help tackle the impacts of coronavirus. She had no staff or budget but was able to use an existing London recruitment portal which was then turned into a pan-London portal advertising care working positions for those with or without previous experience. This supported those in need of care and candidates who may have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Lucy Nyuke, HR manager, Mark Allen Group
Nyuke joined the Mark Allen Group (which publishes HR magazine) just a few short months before the country went into lockdown. Since the business switched to remote working, Nyuke has been a beaming ray of sunshine within the group, checking in on all employees, encouraging cohesion and togetherness and making sure employees put their wellbeing first. She has created a 30 day wellbeing challenge, a lockdown and plenty of activities to keep employees engaged.
Click here for part one of HR people grooves. This piece appears in the May/June 2020 print issue. Subscribe today to have all our latest articles delivered right to your desk