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Blue Monday: advice for employers on the most depressing day of the year

Today (Monday 16 January) is statistically the most depressing day of the year for employees, and has been dubbed ‘Blue Monday’.

Francis Goss, head of commercial operations at Grass Roots, has offered some suggestions for employers to help beat the gloom during Blue Monday and throughout 2012.

1. Share your objectives for 2012. Do you know what you want to achieve this year? Do your colleagues share that vision and do they know how important their role is in achieving it? Set team goals and rewards to focus the team and provide a common direction.

2. Recognise. One thing everyone has in common this year is a birthday. Have you got the reminders in your calendar? Whilst your singing may not be appreciated, your sense of occasion will be. A little gift that means something to them as a person will work wonders for their motivation.

3. Rap with your team. If your attempt to show you care about colleagues still only extends to asking about how their journey to work was, then you are a long way from the rapport that you need to foster real team spirit. Find out what really charges their batteries - outside of work - and take a genuine interest.

4. Celebrate! Are you good at celebrating success? If not, then the year of the Olympics in Britain is a great time to start. Regular bronze medals, a good sprinkling of silver and the occasional gold for helping the business to win, is not just good practice, it will give your company a competitive edge. Never neglect a personal best.

5. Pass the baton. You don't need to be in control all of the time. You don't even need to be the fastest runner. Share the baton around (be careful not to drop it). Give your colleagues a chance to show what they can do. Who is up for it?

6. Clear the hurdles. If it takes five forms and six signatures to get the project off the ground then the race will be over before you started. Don't make life more difficult than it needs to be. Break the unnecessary red tape.

7. Be visible. Walk the floor, spend time with your colleagues, be accessible. Offer to make the tea….