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American express UK offers all staff flexible working arrangements

American Express UK is expanding the range of choices for how, when and where its employees work and has been included in the Top Employers for working families list, sponsored by HR magazine.

All employees across the globe are eligible to request a flexible working pattern. Almost a quarter (24%) of the global workforce work in a variety of flexible arrangements and the firm predicts this will double in the next five years.

In the UK, 30% of staff have a flexible arrangement including part-time working, home-working, compressed hours and job shares. At junior to middle management level, 16% of employees work flexibly while at senior management to executive level the figure is 8%.

The firm provides enhanced pay for maternity, paternity and adoption leave and, because of initiatives such as mentoring and bonus programmes, enjoys a return-to-work rate of almost 90% (up from 75% in 2007). All the policies are available to those in civil partnerships and employees of either gender. American Express offers childcare vouchers as an employee benefit and operates on-site nurseries at some locations.

In the UK, women make up 59% of American Express’s workforce and 36% of vice- president positions and above are held by female employees.

The company’s Women’s Interest Networks (WIN) in London and Sussex have over 1,000 members creating opportunities for professional development, mentoring and networking for men, women and carers. 

Sonia Cargan, vice president of human resources, Northern Europe, at American Express told HR magazine: "We are delighted American Express has been recognised as a ‘Top 20 Employer for Working Families’. 

"Especially during these challenging and difficult times, our ranking is testament to the strong company values we hold, our focus on leadership and employee engagement and importantly the range of family and carer friendly policies we offer employees."

Find out more about why Amex is a Top Employer for Working Families

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