ESG values a deciding factor for job candidates

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are a huge draw for job candidates, many of whom are taking advantage of transferable skill sets and their ability to move around the world to work...

How HR can help dyslexic employees

Dyslexia is the most common neurodiversity. Statistically speaking, as many as one in five of your employees is likely to be dyslexic, so it’s incredibly important HR understands it and supports...

Jealousy over new starters’ bumper pay leads to resignations

Booster salary and benefits packages for new starters aimed at helping recruitment are instead fuelling resignations.

Half of employers advertising legal requirements as job perks

UK employers are advertising pensions, sick pay and training as job perks despite them being obliged to offer them by law.

Ukraine crisis: how HR can help refugees

More than 2.8 million people have fled Ukraine following the Russian invasion, according to the UN. With a large group of British businesses, including M&S, Asos and Lush now pledging to hire...

Government supports pay transparency and STEM returners

UK minister for women, Deborah Stedman-Scott, has today announced two new initiatives to help improve women’s equality in the workplace: a pledge to advocate for pay transparency in job adverts, and...

Rehiring vaccine mandate losses: what should HR know?

Mandatory vaccination for health and social care workers will end early on 15 March Sajid Javid has announced. So what happens to those workers that have already left?

CV-based hiring a barrier to women's recruitment

Women with the skills to make it to the top are being kept from realising their potential by CV-based hiring processes.

Employers pledge support for action on social mobility

More than a hundred leading employers, including Morgan Stanley, British Airways and Bloomberg, have pledged support for a ten-point social mobility action plan.

Employers ditch skills requirements to find the right candidate

A third (33%) of UK organisations are willing to drop skills requirements before any others as companies fight for talent.

ONS data exposes older workers driving talent shortages

Older people are falling out of the labour market at a high rate, often due to long-term ill health.

UK managers quitting over stress and lack of training rather than pay

Nearly three quarters (72%) of UK managers who have recently quit their job said adequate training and support could have persuaded them to stay.