How do we attract and retain NHS nurses?

The tipping point between nurses entering and leaving the NHS has finally been reached

Loyalty is key to building a healthy business

When staff turnover costs British businesses £4.13 billion every year it’s crucial to keep your best people for longer

More than half of financial services workers want a new job in 2018

Around a fifth (21%) are currently looking for a new role

Why recruitment and retention must go hand in hand

Being a great place to work and investing in employees feed back into reducing recruitment needs

Staff switch jobs for 10% rise

Employers underestimate the number of their employees who are open to new positions

Brexit means loss of investment management professionals

EU nationals appear to have less faith in the competitiveness of the UK as a financial centre after Brexit

Employees willing to leave over disorganisation

31% of UK employees have either thought about leaving or actually left a job as a result of their company being too disorganised

Don’t let LinkedIn's green dot bring out the green-eyed monster

Nobody likes the thought of their boss looking over their shoulder so learning to trust your team is important

Four ways to keep retention and recruitment your top priority

It's time to be thinking about how to make the most of the opportunity to hire new talent, and retain existing staff

Case study: Engagement on a budget

Level 3 Communications created a place where people stay and get involved, without breaking the bank

Many planning to ‘reset’ their careers

Almost one-third (30%) of all existing resetters had set up their own business

UK facing homegrown workforce exodus

Migration and retirement have underpinned a drop in the size of the UK-born workforce since 2016