Trying to justify why a senior executive has received a large bonus package for delivering a drop in share price and negative growth will only damage your credibility.

The disparity and perceived unfairness of directors receiving large salaries and bonus payments compared to other workers is a continuing rumble in the press.

"Over the next year I want to drive performance management and grow talent," says HRD at Bull

At the HR magazine HR Excellence Awards in 2011 we named Jo Sims, who was then group head of HR at Access, as our rising star, saying: “It can surely only be a matter of time before an HR director...

Workplace appraisals are becoming a "tick box" exercise, say UK workers

UK employees are not seeing any benefit from appraising their own performance according to research published today by recruitment consultancy Badenoch and Clark.

Global Entrepreneurship Week: Young people must develop an 'employ yourself' attitude

UK entrepreneurs have made a call for young people to develop an 'employ yourself' attitude, starting up their own business rather than trying to get a job when faced with high youth unemployment and...

Mediate to alleviate: reducing workplace stress

Yesterday was the 14th National Stress Awareness Day. The day was organised by the International Stress Management Association UK (ISMA-UK), a not-for-profit organisation which promotes wellbeing and...

An independent approach to resolving cover-ups in the work place

When cover-ups in an organisation make the national headlines, it is associated with high profile corporate scandals.

Why business should become more dementia aware

By 2030, there will be 15 million people over the age of 65 in the UK. After a century of advances in medical science, sanitation and nutrition, people today are living longer than ever before.

Video: Lynda Gratton reveals the new role of leadership in organisations

Lynda Gratton (pictured), professor of management at London Business School and the second Most Influential UK Thinker in 2012, talks about the three most critical areas leaders and organisations need...


Managing alcohol problems in the workplace: treatment works

It is almost inevitable that at one time or another a senior HR professional will be confronted by the dilemma of what to do about someone in the workplace who has an alcohol dependency problem.

Michael Moran, CEO of 10Eighty, calls for more role models in HR

Michael Moran, chief executive of HR Most Influential sponsor 10Eighty, argues that HR needs more role models and needs to be more business savvy.

Who owns people development? Not HR

"In a big organisation like ours," explained my lunch companion Charles, the managing director at the sharp end of a global investment bank, "all that people stuff is done by HR".

Mitigating against potential fraudsters

As the trial against the former UBS trader, Kweku Adoboli continues this week, Rupert Emson, CEO of Vero Screening explores the role of ongoing monitoring in identifying potential fraudsters and...