Tom Newcombe

Clegg wants to scrap Shares for Rights scheme

Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has urged the Government to give millions of workers a tax cut of £140 a year by cutting one of its "pet projects", the controversial Shares for Rights scheme.


HR not doing enough to instil innovative culture

HR still has a “long way to go” to develop an organisational culture that supports creativity and innovation, a report from the Corporate Research Forum (CRF) has warned.


Will Hutton: Workers must own company values

Will Hutton, chair of the Big Innovation Centre, has called on HR to ensure employees know and take ownership of the businesses purpose, mission and values.


Technology professionals turning to start-ups, study finds

Technology professionals are turning to 'start-ups' for career development and opportunity, according to a study published today by IT specialist jobsite


Tranfield joins IMI as group HRD

Geoff Tranfield has been named group HR director of engineering company IMI.


One in five looking for new job in 2014, says ILM

Almost one in five UK workers are planning to leave their jobs in 2014, a study by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) has found.


Miliband's agency worker plans could increase unemployment, warn business leaders

Business leaders have reacted strongly to Ed Miliband's plans to prevent employers paying low wages to migrant workers.


BCC says education must focus on "employability skills"

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has urged the Government to put employability skills at the heart of the education system in 2014, so businesses can have access to the "highest skilled...


Employers confident for 2014 as over half plan to increase staffing levels

Employers are more confident about making permanent hires in 2014 than they were this time last year, according to the latest JobsOutlook survey of employers by the Recruitment and Employment...


Women face retirement shortfall of £8k a year

Women are not saving enough for their retirement and anticipate receiving nearly £4,000 less pension income each year than men despite working for 11 months longer, research has found.


Pay workers more as economy improves, says CBI chief

CBI director general John Cridland (pictured) has called on employers to start paying workers more and said the large number of people on minimum wage jobs represents a "serious challenge" to...


Trust deficit threatening economic recovery, CIPD report warns

A lack of trust in UK employers poses a potential threat to an economic recovery, according to a report published by the CIPD.
