Raj Tulsiani

We are investing in the wrong diversity initiatives

Initiatives such as name-blind recruitment and women on boards don't address underlying diversity issues


Understanding the business benefits of cognitive diversity

The continued economic down-turn has narrowed the options in the pursuit of competitive advantage. Investment has been pared back and workforces are running very lean.


HR needs to ascend to the strategic engine room

The ongoing climate of economic austerity has changed the world of work, fundamentally altering the priorities and methods of organisations as they struggle to thrive, or even just to survive. That...


Diverse candidates continue to struggle to progress to top ranks of business

Although the term is overused, the reality is diversity is far more recognised in today’s corporate culture than it was even five years ago.


The year ahead: What's the story for talent management in 2010

The recession has changed the talent management landscape in the UK. Organisations have faced so many challenges just keeping above water that it's been difficult to focus on proactive talent...
