Hywel Roberts

Aspiring HR professionals need 'solid business grounding', says BBC HRD

Young people looking to enter the HR profession should first ensure they have a good understanding of business, according to BBC HR director Valerie Hughes-D'Aeth.


Where does HR stand in NHS pay debate?

Strikes over public sector pay have hit the headlines recently, but is it still business as usual for HR practitioners in the NHS?


HR directors' influence 'broader than their own organisation'

The influence of HR directors goes beyond their own organisations and across whole areas of business, according to Open University Business School head of executive education Sue Parr.


Southampton Football Club uses football academy as HR model

Southampton Football Club is taking the lessons learned in training sports stars to develop its other employees.


Plumbing qualifications more employable than law degrees, say parents

More than half of parents (57%) rate young people with plumbing qualifications as "very employable", according to a report by City & Guilds and Edge Foundation.


Women uncomfortable discussing maternity benefits

Female employees are reluctant to discuss maternity benefits with their employers in case it implies they are planning a pregnancy, according to research by jobs and careers community Glassdoor.


Party leaders set out manifesto for business

Yesterday's CBI conference gave the world of business and employment a rare opportunity to see all three party leaders speak on the same stage.


Lack of career advice breeds 'low aspirations'

Only half of young people (aged between 14- and 24-years-old) receive any formal career advice, leading to many having low career aspirations, according to research by the Chartered Management...


CBI calls for NI and childcare help for workers

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) is calling on government to improve living standards by increasing the national insurance threshold and extending free childcare to working parents of one-...


Automation threatens one-third of roles

More than one-third (35%) of jobs in the UK are at "high risk" of being replaced by automation in the next 20 years, according to research by Deloitte.


Businesses fail to track cost of overseas assignments

British companies are increasing the number of employees they send to work overseas but are not able to quantify the ROI, according to a report by PwC.


CIPD 2014: Create environment for altruistic employees to thrive, says Adam Grant

Fostering a workplace environment where 'giving' employees can progress will increase businesses' productivity and sustainability, according to Wharton School professor of management Adam Grant.
