Emma Greedy

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The pros and cons of the furlough scheme extension

The furlough scheme's extension to the end of September 2021 will continue supporting businesses financially struggling during the pandemic. However, HR is concerned about the mental health and...


Learning and development rises up the agenda during coronavirus

UK employees are being encouraged to learn new skills to promote team-bonding during COVID-19, according to a new report from LinkedIn.


HR franchises provided crucial support during COVID-19

HR franchises have provided businesses without HR teams the advice they needed when making difficult people decisions during the pandemic.


UK workforce divided over coronavirus vaccinations

Over half (56%) of UK employees think workers should be required to take the COVID-19 vaccine before being allowed back to the workplace, according to a Glassdoor survey.


Lack of IT training could stunt progression

The lack of training during the digital transformation of businesses could lead to skills challenges and could exclude some employees from career progression.


Deskless workers being overlooked

There is a stark disparity between employees who are desk-based and those who are not, as those without are reportedly being excluded from employee engagement strategies.


How can HR challenge ageism in the workplace?

One in four (24%) of all unemployed people in the UK are aged over 50, and the chances of them staying unemployed is expected to rise due to the pandemic.


HR has the opportunity to help progress women at work

Coronavirus presents an opportunity for HR to create a culture that encourages women's progression, despite the pandemic's detrimental impact on gender equality in the workplace.


Budget failures could lead to high unemployment

Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s 2021 Spring Budget could be putting 750,000 viable jobs at risk due to flaws in the scheme to reduce unemployment.


Continued home working risks physical health

Long-term home working poses a threat to employee’s physical health and requires closer HR attention.


Spring Budget 2021 offers HR breathing space but lacks skills investments

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has extended the three-point Plan for Jobs, increased minimum wage and introduced new schemes to help businesses recover after coronavirus, yet measures to plug skills gaps in...


HR industry skills gap concerns exacerbated by Brexit

Most organisations within the HR industry (73%) are feeling strained due to a lack of skilled workers.
