Dominic Bernard

Social media is damaging young professionals' careers

Almost half (47%) of graduate and entry-level workers said their online presence has harmed their job prospects.


Half of HRDs see retraining as solution to the skills gap

In the face of a shrinking talent pool and an ageing workforce, many employers are looking towards upskilling as a solution.


Recruitment in the metaverse: will it become a (virtual) reality?

Since Facebook’s widely publicised rebranding to ‘Meta’, the metaverse virtual world has been garnering attention as the next step in the technological revolution.


Chell v Tarmac: Court of Appeal denies vicarious liability for prank gone wrong

The Court of Appeal yesterday (12 January) upheld the High Court’s decision that building materials company Tarmac was not liable for injuries suffered by a member of staff as a result of an employee...


Strikes return after pandemic reprieve

Recent high-profile industrial action, such as the Transport for London (TfL) Night Tube walk-out, have signalled the return of strike action after a general pause over the past two years as a result...


Glassdoor's UK top 50 employers revealed

The top 50 UK companies to work for were announced this morning, 12 January, as compiled by Glassdoor in its 2022 Employees' Choice Awards – with tech companies making up 19 of the 50 entries.


What does ‘living with Covid’ mean for business?

The government’s proposal to reduce free lateral flow tests (LFTs) may leave employers with responsibility for testing some frontline workers.


Complex hiring processes are losing talent

Half (50%) of all UK professionals have declined a job offer because the hiring process was too long.


Women's role in the economy transformed since 1992

The number of female workers in the UK has risen by 4.3 million in the last 30 years, a report by the Resolution Foundation and the Centre for Economic Performance found.


Strong D&I strategy keeps employees engaged and motivated

Organisations that have not yet started to invest in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives are significantly more likely to suffer from declining levels of employee engagement.


CEO pay passes average annual income after just 38 hours of work

The median earnings of a FTSE 100 CEO for 2022 will have surpassed £31,285 this morning, the median annual wage for a full-time worker in the UK, after just 38 hours of work.


HR can help mitigate the 'January blues'

The usual post-Christmas drop in happiness may be exacerbated by Omicron – but HR can help provide a light at the end of the tunnel.
