Dan Cave

Is the gig up for the gig economy? (Part one)

The gig economy continues to be a hot topic for discussion as the UK works on its position on fair work. Dan Cave uncovers the current climate and explores the alternatives.


Currys paid gender reassignment benefit celebrated by inclusion experts

Currys’ offer of paid gender reassignment leave, announced alongside a broader set of diversity and inclusion policies, is a great move say inclusion and HR experts.


Minister blames working from home for rise in long-term sickness

A government minister has blamed the increase in the number of people registered as long-term sick on the rise of working from home and anxiety driven by social media.


HSBC downsizes London HQ – but the office isn’t dead yet

HSBC has decided to leave its headquarters in Canary Wharf for a smaller office in central London, sparking a discussion on the future role of in-person working.


L&D professionals innovate without use of AI

Only 5% of those with learning and development (L&D) responsibilities currently use AI tools such as ChatGPT to support learning, yet over half (55%) of L&D leaders said they are breaking new ground...


AI use in employee terminations raises HR concerns

One in 10 HR practitioners working in tech in the US are using ChatGPT to write termination letters, according to new data from B2B Reviews.


Interest rates rise again; HR called on for support

The latest Bank of England interest base rate rise should have HR teams thinking about the financial and wellbeing support they offer staff, experts say.


Pensions education at work: swotting-up on savings

Pensions have been in the news a lot but do employees understand them? If not, how can employers step in? Dan Cave reports.


Apprenticeship levy: where next in its evolution?

The apprenticeship levy has been thwarted by challenges and many suggest there ought to be a better alternative. But is the perfect solution out there? Dan Cave writes


How to get payroll right in the cost of living crisis

From the relationship between finance and HR teams to the consequences of getting pay wrong, as employees feel the squeeze it’s crucially important businesses mind the pitfalls of payroll, finds Dan...


Less than a quarter of disabled people would disclose disability during hiring process

Less than a quarter (23%) of disabled people would disclose their disability in a job application raising fears that not enough is being done to include these workers.


DEI teams hit by tech layoffs as data shows leaders fail to champion diversity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) teams are being cut as tech leaders commit to massive layoffs.
