More than seven in 10 (71%) businesses don't have policies to protect themselves in case of a cyber attack
Younger workers are more likely to feel stressed because of management's behaviour
Only 21% of students said they felt supported by their school or college to investigate apprenticeships
HR magazine wants to know what the ideal HR career path looks like
Just one in four (24%) believe an apprenticeship offers a better chance of getting a good job than a university degree
Home working is a key element of the employee engagement mix and can significantly improve efficiency
Sixty percent of employers would pay between £12,000 and £18,000 starting salary for an apprenticeship-qualified employee
City of London professionals increasingly believe home commitments will cost them work-wise
More support for older workers was found to increase both staff loyalty and retention
HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function about what they think will shape it
More than one in five employees (22%) feel less secure in their job because of the leave vote
Graduates also report they are willing to complete an internship or work overtime during evenings or weekends, according to Accenture study