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How I got here: Marshah Dixon-Terry, interim HR project consultant

Interim HR project consultant at Homes England Marshah Dixon-Terry gives her tips for a successful career in HR

Interim HR project consultant, Homes England

Jan 2020 – present

I am leading the delivery of an innovative organisation-wide programme for circa. 1,000 colleagues focused on personal development, aligned to the agency’s values and managing the client relationship with the expert partners. It’s essential to hit the ground running on interim assignments and demonstrate your added value quickly and consistently.

Interim organisation design lead, Versus Arthritis

Sep 2019 – Jan 2020

I worked with the leadership on a significant organisation design work programme for the charity, providing expertise, and linking it directly to the charity’s vision and purpose. I really enjoyed the strategic discussions and helping shape both the thinking and the direction of this work.

Interim HR lead, Versus Arthritis

Jul 2019 – Sep 2019

It was really important to work directly with the team, so meeting them, regular dialogue, being available and delivering work well was key.

Head of organisational development, City of London Police

Sep 2015 – Jun 2019

I established a transformational OD department focused on providing a value-added offering that would enable police officers and staff at all levels to develop both professionally and personally in order to deliver the force’s vision and objectives. It was crucial to work across the organisation, have good working relationships and bring colleagues with you.

Head of HR projects, City of London Police

Sep 2014 – August 2015

This was both a big opportunity and a big challenge because this was new for the force. It was essential to really engage and work with colleagues so that there was understanding of the benefits of this programme and how it could have real impact.

HR advisor then HR business partner, NSPCC

June 2005 – Sep 2014

I learnt the importance of aligning our HR work with our organisational purpose and values. I loved seeing how our work in HR had an impact, and enabled colleagues to deliver more for children that needed the NSPCC’s help.

HR project advisor then HR advisor, General Social Care Council

Nov 2001 – Jun 2005

Though a steep curve, I learnt that I didn’t need to have all the answers – my role was
to provide leadership and unleash the talent in the team.

Personnel projects co-ordinator, Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work

October 2000 – Oct 2001

This is where my love of all things HR started. This was my first generalist role and I learnt how important HR is to an organisation’s success.

Top three career tips

Consider your life goals and career goals as one holistic picture. What will enable you to live your best life? Be bold – think creatively. Don’t put limitations on yourself.

Have a marketing plan for you. What is your professional brand? And how are you going to target your ideal roles and ideal organisations?

Be focused and flexible – it is important to have a path for your career, but be open to different opportunities, as they could provide you with new knowledge, skills and experiences that contribute to you achieving both your career and personal life goals.