Psychometric testing

Psychometric data is being wasted

Psychometric data shouldn’t be consigned to HR files after recruitment, it’s a valuable source of insight that should be regularly revisited to build stronger teams, develop talent, and pinpoint...

Psychometric tests could prevent costly recruitment mistakes

Companies could be making better use of psychometric testing in recruitment to avoid the cost of hiring the wrong person for the job.

Employers pledge support for action on social mobility

More than a hundred leading employers, including Morgan Stanley, British Airways and Bloomberg, have pledged support for a ten-point social mobility action plan.

Shift resources away from selection to ensure recruitment success

Recruitment will always be hit or miss. Reliable prediction is impossible. Further focus on perfecting selection is a case of diminishing returns. Organisations should concentrate instead on helping...

Don't overlook intuition when hiring, research urges

Intuition is often an overlooked part of hiring, with a significant gap between how important HR and senior business leaders view this, according to research