Employment tribunal

Boss harassed employee he invited on holiday and to dinner, tribunal rules

A female property manager was harassed by her boss who suggested they should go to dinner and to his house in Turkey “for all the fun stuff”, a tribunal ruled.

Police PA unfairly dismissed amid superiors’ dispute

Employment judges have found that a Merseyside Police superintendent’s personal assistant (PA) was unfairly dismissed and discriminated against, amid being "caught in the crossfire" of a dispute...

Apple employee unfairly dismissed for photos of “teenage-style crush”

Tech giant Apple unfairly dismissed an employee who took two photos of a female colleague, a tribunal has ruled.

"Banter" slurs against salespeople was racial harassment, tribunal rules

Sales advisers were racially harassed, a tribunal has ruled, after a manager used racial slurs against them and another manager excused the behaviour as "banter".

“Sham” investigation dismissed auction house director, tribunal rules

An auction house director was subject to a “sham” investigation that resulted in him being unfairly and wrongfully dismissed, a tribunal has ruled.

Chip shop worker wins £8,000 in disability discrimination case

Former chip shop worker Oisín McKerr, who lives with autism, has been awarded an £8,000 settlement for a disability discrimination case, after the food outlet failed to inform him of his dismissal.

Council appeals ruling over "bully-boy" email to strikers

Wiltshire Council is to appeal an employment tribunal ruling that an email sent by its CEO subjected workers to detriment.

Saying “back in your day” could be age harassment, tribunal rules

Using the phrase “back in your day” would be considered age discrimination, an employment tribunal judge has ruled.

Punishing strikers violates human rights, Supreme Court rules

Punishing employees who have taken part in strike action goes against the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), a Supreme Court judgement ruled this week (16 April).

"Non-feminist" employee loses tribunal for discrimination

A Environmental Agency employee who described himself as a “non feminist” has lost his tribunal claim for discrimination, victimisation and unfair dismissal.

"Employment law isn’t working for anyone": HR responds

The employment tribunal process encourages opportunists while doing nothing to tackle workplace abuse, radio presenter Libby Purves wrote in The Times last week (14 April). 

Male teaching assistant wins sexual harassment tribunal after 'Speedos' comment

A female headteacher sexually harassed a male teaching assistant by repeatedly commenting on his “fit” body, an employment tribunal ruled.