Previous roles include head of corporate services and head of organisational design at HMRC.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It inspects and regulates services that care for children and young people by providing education and skills for learners of all ages and children’s social care.
It has around 1,800 employees across eight regions. It also contracts with more than 2,000 Ofsted inspectors to carry out inspections of schools and further education and skills provision.
Shepperson sits on the Ofsted executive board and is chief advisor to the chief inspector on all people-related issues. She has led large-scale people transformation in Ofsted including transfer in of contracted workforces, the move to a regional structure for the inspectorate, and new and innovative approaches to pay and recruitment as part of a wider approach to workforce strategy.
She has supported the organisation to become a top-performing civil service department for employee engagement and introduced an award-winning apprenticeship scheme focusing on improving social mobility. She has transformed the HR function to become a highly-performing team that has won the confidence of the board and chief inspector and is now seen as a key player in all business discussions.