The firm's latest Employment Monitor for jobs in the financials services industry in London showed 7,371 vacancies in September, compared to 6,804 in August. However, the number is still down 19% from a year earlier.
Pay for new hires has also increased. The recruiter found those securing new positions received an average pay rise of 15% in September.
Hakan Enver, operations director at Morgan McKinley financial services, said: "September 2013 marked five years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which arguably led to the worst global recession in recent times. The positive news, however, is that the financial services sector is now on a noticeable road to recovery."
The study also showed an 86% increase in active job hunting compared to the same time last year.
Enver said this "increasing appetite" for new career opportunities suggests confidence levels in City recruitment are continuing to improve.