The Academy will work with internationally-renowned academic institutions and high-performing firms to roll out foundation, mid and senior level leadership programmes for up to 25,000 NHS staff, starting in September this year.
The programme intends to have a range of NHS staff, including doctors, nurses, Allied Health Professionals, healthcare scientists and HR and finance staff, learning how to lead their teams and services to achieving better, more compassionate patient care.
The Academy has teamed up with distance learning provider the Open University and global management consulting firm the Hay Group to design and deliver the foundation level programme.
Karen Lynas, deputy managing director of the NHS Leadership Academy, said: "Our goal is for NHS patients to be treated in a culture of compassion, dignity and respect, and this cannot be achieved if we don't have appropriately skilled leaders at every level of the service.
"We want all NHS staff to work in an environment of excellence in care, where they feel liberated to focus on those things that attracted them to work in the NHS: providing exceptional care to patients.
"We want to ensure that the pockets of excellence that already exist in the NHS become the norm, and become what we expect our NHS to be. This requires support and development for all our leaders."
Health minister and NHS doctor Dr Dan Poulter said: "Robert Francis QC's report on Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust demonstrated more clearly than ever the need for developing leadership in the NHS to bring about the change of culture needed to truly improve the quality of care for patients.
"The NHS Leadership Academy's programmes will for the first time develop leaders in every profession and at every level to influence the culture and values of the NHS from ward to board.
"This is a key step in putting outstanding, compassionate leadership at the heart of our NHS."