The research revealed almost two fifths (39%) of employees feel their professional and domestic life is 'not balanced'. It also found only half (51%) perceive their employer is 'sensitive' to the relationship between work and home, a 6% drop in just one year.
The research, which is drawn from Hay Group's global employee opinion database of more than 600,000 UK workers, revealed employees are continually being asked to 'do more with less'.
Last year, just half of employees reported there were enough people available in their departments to complete the work required.
As a result, almost a third (31%) of employees do not think the amount of work expected of them is reasonable, the research showed.
"Employees are working longer hours with more erratic schedules than ever before," said Mark Royal, senior principal at Hay Group.
"To ensure staff are adequately supported and to drive engagement and commitment, introducing tactical solutions like telecommuting options or flexible work schedules, while helpful, will not be enough to successfully address these mounting concerns."
Royal added: "Organisations must develop solutions to enable their workforce and think strategically about which key roles need to be supplemented from the outside.
"Those that don't address these issues, may see their high performing and high potential employees either burn out or walk out."
The research revealed more than a quarter (27%) of employees plan to leave their company within the next two years if they work in organisations that do not support a positive work-life balance.
By contrast, in companies that support employees in achieving a reasonable balance between their work and personal lives, only 17% of employees are looking for opportunities elsewhere.
Royal said: "Organisations must avoid concerns regarding work and life acting as that single grain of rice: tipping the balance for a significant proportion of their workforce."