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CIPD's Orme on the offensive

CIPD chief executive Jackie Orme has announced a raft of new projects aimed at making the institute more relevant to members.

Promising more 'topicality', the new CEO pledged that half of all research will meet the more immediate concerns of HR professionals by this time next year. She said: 'I'm determined that more of our research should be geared to your immediate needs, what you need to know now.

In response to criticisms that CIPD training does not meet the needs of HR professionals today, and that more people are entering the profession from different career paths, she also announced a completion of a 'comprehensive review' of the profession, adding that 'by the end of the year, we'll be announcing changes to our professional standards and routes to membership.'
While lacking in the exact detail she said: 'this will reflect the world of HR today.' She added: 'We'll be identifying the learning and development support, and the routes to membership needed at each stage. We'll retain qualifications for those that need them, but we'll be looking at recognising the experience of prior learning.'
Speaking to a filled auditorium at the CIPD's annual conference in Harrogate, Orme confirmed these changes would allow new members to join 'at whatever point' in their career, and would serve generalists and specialists in equal measure.
'We want to equip HR professionals to make the difference we know they can make to organisations.'
Orme also announced that it was time that the role of HR being 'good cop' was over. 'Don't be under any illusions. CEOs know exactly why HR is here. They'll be beating a path to your door.'
Next month, the first piece of CIPD research commissioned by Orme will be released - a major study into the future of the HR industry. 'Our research will take us forward to enable us to build a picture of what the HR profession will look like in five-ten years time.'