ETS works with businesses such as M&S, McDonald’s, British Gas, EE and ITV on employee surveys and engagement. Could they help you too?
For 10 companies, their expert business psychologists are offering to run a free ENGAGEment improvement workshop* to help you identify and increase the behaviours that are proven to drive engagement in your organisation. In this half-day session they will:
- Discuss your latest employee survey data with your engagement and HR teams
- Gain an understanding of your business strategy and consider how engagement impacts this
- Review any existing initiatives, suggest new ideas to help increase engagement, and recommend success measures.
Contact ETS to register for this offer or to discuss broader employee survey support.
*Offer is completely free of charge and is open to private sector organisations of 1,000+ employees. New customers only. Enter by 12 May 2016. Companies will be selected at random.