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Cognify is the latest in a new breed of game-based candidate assessments

It combines the trusted methodology of traditional psychometric assessments with game design thinking and technology to offer a better candidate experience.

In 2016 Cognify won the Serious Games Showcase & Challenge (Australasia) and, more recently, one of several ongoing independent studies found that:

1. Test takers preferred Cognify over traditional assessments

2. Cognify was perceived to be a fairer assessment than a general mental ability (GMA) test

3. Cognify assessed GMA as well as or better than standalone cognitive ability tests

4. Cognify provides incremental prediction over GMA: it predicts everything that traditional measures of GMA predict and more.

See for yourself how a short, 20-minute game can provide all of the candidate insight you need to predict performance while enhancing your employer brand and improving the candidate experience.