What were you doing in 1999? Not yet born? Still at school? Worrying about the Y2K Bug? Planning your Millennium Eve party?
This perennial accusation is paradoxically a pretty vague one, and has multiple meanings
The practical value of personality-typing tools depends entirely on the extent to which they are valid measures of personality
On a scale of zero (absolutely nothing) to 10 (HR has been revolutionised), I’d give it a three
When it comes to managing absence data isn't enough. We also need to know why people are absent
In January many of us set personal goals. For once Rob Briner is on board with doing this at work too
Evidence-based HR isn't about stealing anyone's thunder, it's about making the profession more effective
Following on from his article on things HR should stop doing, here's Rob Briner's suggestions of five things HR should start doing
Sometimes HR professionals need to ask themselves why they use a particular process. Rob Briner examines the evidence behind NLP
Change management is rife with unsupported theories, so here Rob Briner examines the actual evidence.
Every profession routinely does things that at best achieve nothing or waste resources, and at worst are actually counterproductive. What about HR? Is everything we do just marvellous? Of course not. ...
Rob Briner searches for meaning in performance management