
Mental health first aiders must be comprehensively supported

Are leaders really clear on what the role of a mental health first aider (MHFA) is, and what they can and can’t do?

The missing pieces of mental health first aid

Mental health first aid (MHFA) training has been rolled out in many workplaces across the UK, but without holistic wellbeing support, businesses could be missing crucial pieces to the puzzle....

What could a mental health first aid law look like… and do we need one?

Not for the first time, MPs in the House of Commons are debating a potential new law that could make it a legal requirement for all businesses in the UK to provide access to mental health first aid...

Mental health first aiders in the workplace - are they effective?

?The spotlight has been turned on mental wellbeing recently, not least through a world that is working in lockdown. Prior to the coronavirus crisis, many workplaces had begun taking the connect more...