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Rob Warwick, reader in management and organisational learning, University of Chichester

Rob Warwick is a reader in management and organisational learning at the University of Chichester

Warwick’s particular area of interest is the practice of everyday organisational life in the stories that people tell to themselves and others and how this in turn comes to affect what they do. This form of practice-based learning enables conversations about vulnerability, trust, confidence, doubt and the interaction between what is seen as rational and irrational and so often not spoken about.

Warwick brings this to life not only in the stories of others but also of his own reflexive journey, keen to stress that we are all on a connected part of a sense-making journey. It is through this that meaning, power relations and understanding emerges. His energies are currently focused on deepening our understanding and use of practice-based learning.

Recommended content

Book: Traeger, J., and Warwick, R. (2018). Organisation Development: Bold Explorer’s Guide. Oxford: Libri Publishing.

Book: Warwick, R., and Board, D. (2013). The Social Development of Leadership and Knowledge – A Reflexive Inquiry into Research and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Academic paper: Warwick, R., McCray, J., and Board, D. (2017) Bourdieu’s habitus and field: implications for the practice and theory of critical action learning. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 14 (2), p104-119.