The 'See Inside Manufacturing' initiative, launched this year, is open to all young people in the UK, providing a unique opportunity to get behind the scenes of some of the UK's automotive facilities to learn about modern manufacturing and the range of jobs available in this sector.
In January the UK's leading advanced manufacturers and government met to discuss how they could work together to promote manufacturing excellence, challenge perceptions of the industry and dispel the myth that Britain doesn't make anything anymore.
The UK is a world leader in making high-tech products and the latest figures show manufacturing growth has reached a 16-year high but there is concern that the outdated image of the sector is restricting its ability to attract the best young talent, creating a barrier to growth.
Business secretary, Vince Cable, announced in January that, by working with industry, government intends to build on local activities by individual companies to pull together a national 'open days' programme to improve the image of manufacturing, and to attract the brightest and best talent into manufacturing. Government has asked the automotive sector to take the lead on this activity in 2011, with a view to extending it across other manufacturing sectors in 2012.
The Automotive Council is helping to build on local activities undertaken by individual companies to co-ordinate a nationwide 'See Inside Manufacturing' programme for young people considering their future career options.
The CBI welcomed the launch of the Government's 'See Inside Manufacturing' initiative
Tim Bradshaw, CBI head of enterprise and innovation, said: "This programme gives pupils, teachers and careers advisors an invaluable practical insight into our leading automotive industry. It will provide a fresh perspective on the many different skills and careers available to help inspire the next generation of researchers, designers and engineers. "We would urge all schools to take advantage of this great opportunity to learn more about our world-class manufacturing industries."