Personal health and wellbeing is now a big part of our lives. Many of us invest in fitness devices, health apps and dietary advice. We have a greater understanding of what improves our health and what we can achieve with higher levels of wellbeing. We share stories of our diet and fitness progress on social media, and incorporate exercise into our social lives.
At the same time rates of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases are rising. Tens of thousands of people experience heart disease, cancer and strokes every year. The NHS is under greater pressure than ever before. Many of us expect to wait a long time for appointments with the GP, routine operations and specialist services referrals.
Employers recognise these trends and many are introducing formal wellbeing strategies. A healthy and fit workforce is more productive and engaged, and less likely to be absent or leave the organisation afterall.
So this ‘How to build a wellbeing strategy’ whitepaper by Simplyhealth covers:
- Why businesses should build a wellbeing strategy
- Planning a strategy
- What an effective strategy should contain
- Implementation
- Maintaining your strategy