The gig economy is on the rise, and offers risks and opportunities for HR professionals
After the government’s immigration cap for non-EU skilled workers was hit for the first time in June there have been proposals to raise the qualifying salary thresholds for migrants, to introduce a...
As demand returns to the economy many organisations are seeking to grow. However, skill and talent shortages are proving a major constraint, with many UK businesses saying they are having problems...
The experience employers give potential employees is getting worse. All the figures show that while we spend a huge amount of time creating employer brands, streamlining recruitment processes and...
I was recently asked to go along and talk to a group of MBA students about my career in HR.
There is still a fair amount of animosity between recruitment consultants and agencies, but all parties have common talent and resourcing problems, writes REC CEO Kevin Green.
I have been a fan of 'The Boss' for more years than I care to remember, having first seen him and the mighty E Street Band on The River tour in 1981.