On track to gender equality at Northern Rail

Northern Rail has taken action to improve gender equality in a traditionally male-dominated industry and it isn’t running out of steam yet.

HR’s pay equity efforts hampered by lack of data

New data has found 45% of senior HR leaders struggle to access the relevant data needed to correct pay equity gaps.

Next equal pay battle advances as women’s work ruled of equal value to men

The three women at the lead of an equal pay battle against Next have won the right to take their case onto the final stage.

Men more recognised for supporting colleagues than women

Men feel more rewarded for the support they give to colleagues than women do, according to a new report.

HR must break the IVF taboo

Many employees worry that disclosing their fertility journey to their employers will negatively affect their careers, according to founder of The IVF Network Charlotte Gentry.

Algorithms on the job: data-driven wages and discrimination drivers

As with all things to do with AI, algorithmic or 'algorithmically personalised' wages is a hot topic.

Apprenticeship support is a ‘postcode lottery’, says report

The uneven distribution of small business support across the UK is preventing employers from recruiting and retaining apprentices, according to a new report from think tank IPPR.

Majority of UK managers confident dealing with complaints about treatment of trans workers

A study by law firm Irwin Mitchell has found 15% of UK managers would not be comfortable dealing with a complaint from a trans member of staff about their treatment in the workplace.

How can HR support the millions delaying retirement?

According to data from Opinium Research, on behalf of Legal & General, 2.5 million pre-retirees will have to delay retirement because of the economic downturn, with 1.7 million expected to have to...

Employees with invisible disabilities left to source workplace support alone

More than two thirds (67%) of employees with invisible disabilities say they have to source support and reasonable adjustments at work alone.

Blame is attributed differently to male and female leaders, study finds

New research has found female leaders are given the benefit of the doubt when they do not achieve positive results, with failures put down to bad luck.

HR professionals should lead the way in creating a more inclusive workforce

Fewer than two-thirds of young people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds think a satisfying job is open to everyone if they work hard enough.