Wellbeing | Why loneliness is the next health epidemic and how adapting workspaces can help

There’s a new global health threat on the scene. The World Health Organisation declared loneliness a pressing global health threat last November, and it’s a threat with mortality effects equivalent to...

L&D | How HR professionals can build a culture of lifelong learning

Could a culture of continuous learning tackle the biggest obstacle to workplace learning and development (L&D)?

Employment law | IR35 legislation change will help HR hire much-needed talent

Thanks to a legislative fix to the UK’s off-payroll working rules (IR35), HR can take a less risk-averse approach, and return to using freelancers.

International working | How increasing globalisation in the workplace is changing the role of HR managers

As the world becomes increasingly globalised, we find ourselves working together but separately in a large yet small, digitally-connected world. The unexpected events of the last few years, notably...

International Women's Day | The importance of HR initiatives in supporting women in leadership 

Less than a third of leadership positions are held by women, LinkedIn data suggests. According to the World Economic Forum, it will take around 140 years to close that gap completely.  

D&I | Combating microaggressions: how C-suite leadership can foster inclusion

When it comes to the workplace, employers should be aware that building the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion contributes to employees’ sense of belonging within the organisation....

Religious observance | How HR leaders can be inclusive for employees observing Ramadan

A well-balanced workforce should reflect the diversity of society, and that means leaders should accommodate the needs of every religion and culture.

L&D | Help 'accidental managers' develop key people skills

How can HR help accidental managers develop the skills to become effective 'people' people, and handle the human side of the role?

Wellbeing | We need to better support and retain employees with endometriosis

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, a time for us to shine a light on the disease that affects 1.5 million women in the UK.

Childcare | The summer holiday slog: supporting families through the school holidays  

The summer holidays can be a time of much-needed rest and relaxation for children and parents, but it can also be a source of anxiety for many working families that can’t access flexibility to manage...

Menopause | The EHRC menopause guidance is a positive move for women

As we approach another International Women’s Day, it’s a good time to revisit the issues that matter to women in the workplace, including menopause.

Worker relations | Navigating workplace conflict: a guide to constructive management

From fiery discussions across the office to passive-aggressive email exchanges that could rival a Shakespearean drama, conflict is a natural part of workplace life.