Strategic HR

Age UK fined £4,000 for age harassment

A representative of Age UK harassed a job applicant on the basis of age, a tribunal has found.

Conservatives pledge 100,000 new apprenticeships

The Conservative party has promised to replace ‘rip-off’ university degrees with 100,000 apprenticeships. 

How to build sustainably high-performing teams

How can HR leaders focus on high performance while prioritising health and wellbeing? Maybe it’s time to take inspiration from elite sportspeople.

HR falls behind employees in embracing AI

More than two thirds (68%) of HR professionals have not embraced the full potential for AI, a report by HR insights provider Brightmine has shown (29 May).

Entries invited for HR Excellence Awards 2024

The HR Magazine team is now inviting entries for the HR Excellence Awards 2024.

Interview: Abigail Wilmore, founder of People Flow

Abigail Wilmore, founder of a HR community called People Flow, has compiled a CV full of iconic fashion brands, as Millicent Machell discovers.

Join the dots between mobility and talent development

Leaders need a data-led approach to ensure that global mobility works for both staff and the company.

Black, LBGTQ+ and disabled women doubt DEI success

Women with intersecting marginalised identities, such as disabled women, are more doubtful than any other groups about the success of their organisations' DEI efforts, a new report has found.

How HR can create a trans inclusion policy 

Writing a transgender inclusion policy can be a crucial act of support for trans employees, diversity experts have said.

Hot Topic: Should employees choose between HR and employee representatives?

Employees seem to be increasingly turning to unions, employee resource groups and consultants to solve disputes with an organisation, rather than relying on internal HR departments. But should...

Why HR needs to know about the new law on tips

According to government analysis last year, an estimated £200 million is held back from staff by companies withholding tips. Thanks to new legislation, more than 2 million workers will have their tips...

Media attention fears stopped 2013 Post Office Horizon investigation

Paula Vennells, former Post Office CEO, decided against conducting a review into the Horizon IT scandal in 2013, fearing that it would make front-page news, the inquiry heard last Thursday (23 May).